
Redemption Soccer Academy (RESA) 

It is clear that the level of exposure to the sport of soccer in Miami Beach is undeveloped when compared to the other communities within the State of Florida. At the initiative of Jean Patrick Raymond efforts have been made to rehabilitate the level of soccer hereby founding the RESA. Mr. Jean Patrick Raymond was inspired to expand the philosophy and positive experiences to be gained from the sport of soccer into Redemption Soccer Academy, a non-profit institution operating in Haiti since 2014. Jean made the decision to annex this academy into the city of Miami Beach, where he has resided since 2007, to make it accessible to the children living there. 

Why is this project non-profit? There are countless children in the city of Miami Beach who despite their love and desire to play soccer are unable to participate and receive appropriate training from the private academy due to the financial limitations of their parents. The second reason is that RESA as an institution is engaged in promoting soccer with special sensitivity for children, bringing along professionals who have already climbed the ladder onto the field. Their professional careers instilled loyalty to society and their peers and inspire them to contribute to the progress of the sport in the city.


The specific objectives of RESA as follows:

  1. To help talented children and youth who enjoy soccer obtain access to the academy. This may allow them to become professional who hopefully will support themselves and their families.
  2. The program will provide children with the appropriate capacity to participate gradually and at different levels of competition locally and nationally, and one day even internationally.
  3. To make the city of Miami the location of the RESA and a reference of this sport. Also, Miami Beach will be mentioned for its significant contribution to the development of the soccer.
  4. RESA is a non-profit institution. It will offer the same opportunities to children of low income parents as well as middle income parents. The objective is to allow all comers, regardless of age or social status, to have an open door to work and learn from the Academy.
  5. Contribute to the fight against juvenile neglect and its attendant social issues.
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